[Fyrebug] Version 0.746 – chat, holidays, server text

flat file php conversions
conversion of flash-driven php run functions to flat text files. the text files are now located in /uploaded/text/foldername where folder name is the name of the action in the php run (ex. action=flashxgameinfo for each game info text file)

types of flat files so far:

  • creates (saved as text files by createtypeid):
    • createtypeinfo
    • enginechoices
  • engines (saved as text files by engineid)
    • engineinfo – returns engine swf url
  • games (saved as text files by gameid, in subfolders by 1000)
    • flashxgameinfo
    • also uses engineinfo
  • f425 (saved as text files by page name)
    • f400control
    • also uses flashxgameinfo

the shell, create and f425 are updated to support these text changes.

admin functions
there are new admin functions to generate new text files if anything changes.

these are on www.fyrebug.com/admin and can be done by:

  • creates – all one click
  • engines – all one click
  • games – done 1000 at a time by offset=
  • f425 – not live yet

client stats
new page for stats by client, so far hardcoded like other client pages for sikids userid=15100


note the links on the left nav, you can sort by various stuff. we can use this for real client stats, you can then bump them up if youd like. we can get pageviews for home, play, create, etc in google analytics.


an ajax chat is now live on every display game page as well as a new chat page.

chat page – www.fyrebug.com/chat
shows the chat, driven to in promo units

promotional units:

  • 728×90
  • f425

future additions in the works

  • integrating “who’s online” for an idea of who could be chatting
  • saving chat archives
  • various format/css changes

the holidays are mostly launched and ready to go on the live site


  • promotional header
  • 728×90
  • f425

holiday page – www.fyrebug.com/holiday
added to leftbar, driven to in promo and has holiday tagged games and site-news

added about 20 xmas clipart as featured items to create, and a holiday category to create and play games.

added medals to database, have six different types of medals

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