CM Punk comes out to start the show, to his music. Chris Jericho is not here this week, according to Punk. Recap shown of last week’s storyline turn where Jericho brought up Punk’s alcoholic father. Punk says it’s HIS story to tell and begins to tell his side of the story. He says his father has battled demons and he is proud that his father has beaten them for now. After a bit, Jericho appears in a suit on the Titantron – billed as live – and cuts a promo. Jericho says as Chris, he is sorry that he crossed the line and won’t bring up the father again. But then brings up Punk’s sister who is a drug addict and intimates that she is also a prostitute. Punk gets mad, curses which is muted out and says he will beat Jericho at Wrestlemania.