[candy for dinner] all new site relaunch with over 100 new candies and 1000 new pictures

after a few months, candyfordinner.com is not only back, but it’s complete revamped and relaunched! we have put up over 120 new candies and nearly 1000 new pictures to make up for the time we were offline.

in addition, there are new features all through the site

* each gallery is now an on-page gallery right on the homepage
* each background can be viewed as a gallery itself with the dropdown menu on the right
* commenting is back and spam-free
* every candy can be rated 1-5 stars
* site search on the right side
* email any candy to your friend with the ’email this’ link on each candy article
* view the latest comments on the right side as well

go to www.candyfordinner.com to check it out! make sure to leave some comments and rate some candies

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